Thursday, March 11, 2010

Amuse eyeshadows

I don’t have a lot of makeup. I swear. Every time I stop myself from buying something that I so dearly need, I pat myself on the back. That Sephora cart has seen many things come and go, but I always manage to look next to may makeup stash and make the heart wrenching decision to let them go. For instance, the Wonderland palette was something that I had to get, but after learning that they were just old colors with new names and looked through my stash, only to find

Yikes! Okay, put that back and slowly walk away... no don’t you dare head for that Benefit stand. One of my eyeshadow palates that I was recently looking through and horribly neglecting was the cheap yet fairly impressive Amuse frosty eye shadows.

It is frosty and vibrant and these are swatches with no primer beneath them.

So next time I contemplate buying any frosty eyeshadows, I am going to be thinking of these and once again, hopefully be patting myself on the back. Oh who the hell am I kidding, I’m like a delusional alcoholic and will definitely be back buying that eye bright that I ‘ve been eyeing. Argh! Control yourself woman.


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