Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quick Updates on posts

I hope everyone is starting off the new year with some great things. It hasn't felt so different for me yet. More like, more of the same. One thing that has changed drastically is the amount of waffles I've been eating.

A waffle maker! I've been eating waffles nonstop for the past couple of days and the frenzy has just worn off. This is't good for my diet. I've been topping these with everything from straight up sugar, honey, ice cream, bacon, nutella and whipped cream. Learned to make pretty bad compared to the pros but decent enough amateur liege waffles and started branching out into hash brown territory with these. I'm just so happy. People may think that it's a bit weird to get household electronics but I love to cook and love getting gadgets and things like this for the home.

Another product that I've been trying out is this Isa Knox skin care set that I've received from my mom. She once again haggled her way into my heart with this set. I've been using it for seven days, but it's been good so far.

I'll be doing a review after more thorough testing and just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about the Givenchy lotion. My sister's been using it but still needs more testing time before the review comes out.