Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kiehl's Blue Herbal Spot Treatment

I think that I've spent most of my time writing about skincare more than anything else on this blog. In my opinion, if you have nice skin, the rest is pretty negligible. People ask me if I would rather have bad hair or bad skin, without hesitation I would always choose bad hair. My sister and I ask would you rather have eczema (my sister) or acne (me) , which would you choose? No one chooses pimples over eczema. Now the Kiehl's Blue Herbal Spot Treatment is $16 dollars which isn't bad and is pretty affordable, has become one of my go to spot treatments. 

You may know that I like the Body Shop's blemish stick but this was better the stick in so many different ways. The packaging claims that it has cinnamon, ginger root as well as other things that make this extra effective but the main ingredient is Salicylic Acid. I know that the Clean and Clear acne treatment has a higher dosage and is cheaper but I have never tried it. Just putting out a cheaper alternative that I may try out sometime in the future.

I mentioned before that some spot treatments are extremely unhygienic but luckily this is a squeeze tube where the product doesn't have to be contaminated after touching my face. I can easily control the amount that comes out. I was uneasy about doing this review because it hasn't been that long since I've used it but the results were pretty fast that I had to share it. Do you care about how it looks or do you want me to just tell you the results? I'm a total kill joy so let me bore you with some not quite on the topic things.

I've been under a bit of stress lately and I have been breaking out in both cystic and non cystic acne. I'm also having my period and just woke up to my tri-annual cold sore, all within this week. Caffeine has been my only non bitchy and non complaining companion and it isn't the usual lightly brewed black coffee, I've reverted into making strong espresso with tons of milk, sugar and coffee creamer. My life as well as my skin is a mess and I also happened to run out of eye cream and the blemish stick at the same time. After purchasing this, I got home, washed my face, put on the tea tree oil toner, avocado eye cream, applied dabs of this all over and then applied my lotion.
After the first night, I didn't notice a difference. After all, it's been only one night and I've had acne for too long and know that miracles don't happen overnight. The next day, I applied this in the morning and at night. The packaging warns me of drying out my skin but come on, my face produces enough oil to counteract anything. After trying it out for the second night without seeing a difference, I was discouraged but applied this on the third night without bothering to reapply it in the morning.

Now that is when the miracles started to happen. My tiny under the skin pimples that haven't risen to the surface but still leaves a bumpy under the skin texture were gone. I've shown you in pictures of the past where under my cheekbones, where bronzer is usually applied, are riddled with acne, but now they are  completely gone. All I have are red acne scars but the texture is smooth. It has started to make a huge dent in my cystic acne, which takes longer and needs a more vigorous application.

I used quite a bit of this only because I am breaking out everywhere but this really has won me over. The tiny bumps are completely gone and my bigger and more painful ones are healing a lot faster without a lot of the redness. I do see some skin peeling where I have the cystic acne but after exfoliation, it doesn't make a bit of difference. I really recommend this to everyone who has acne problems and although $16 may seem much, I would definitely pay more for this product if the price ever (it better not) went up. I am still eyeing the clean and clear treatment but for now I am happy. Not all I have to worry about are the pus filled  red bumps of a cold sore.

*Update: My skin has gotten used to this product because I've been applying it daily, so it just isn't working as well. I've switched back to my tea tree oil but will be back once my skin breaks it's Kiel's loving addiction. I suggest giving your skin a break or trying something new.


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