Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No Makeup. Just food stuff.

I stopped purchasing makeup , so no new reviews in a while.

With my history of food poisoning others, people's tummy starts aching and trembling at the sound of me in the kitchen. That has now changed since I've found a fool proof recipe to fall back on. I've told you that I've started to make my own pizza and guess what? It's been a huge success. Even my sister, who actively prevents me from cooking, has cosigned this. It may not look much but everything was made from scratch. Ba Bam. 

It's a Caesar pizza made with homemade pizza crust, Caesar dressing and charred lettuce leaves. I can personally customize how I want my pizza, starting from a thin crust, leftover toppings and with just the amount of seasonings, without turning on the oven. I hate turning on the oven because it forces me to bake cookies. I can never have only one thing in there. I always have to put in at least three things when the oven is going. Usually, it's two of my recipes and my mother sneaks in potatoes and sweet potatoes on the bottom. Do you know what's really weird? I tend to cook better than I bake. I would say 90% of my baked goods are failures while only 60% of my cooking are bad. 

Started to also bake in the microwave. Don't condemn me!

This feeds two and it took two minutes in the microwave. I know the microwave should not be your main  heat source, but it's so easy and I can always have cake when I want to. Although it tastes more like a light eggy bread without a lot of that egg flavor. I also make sure to put in a piece of chocolate for more of a lava cake like feel. 

I've also started to eat a lot more salads, since I tend to eat more greens in the summer. I hate eating salads in the winter because it just isn't that comforting. Since the weather is hot, I prefer a crisp cool salad over hot soup. I also ate some homemade loco moco, courtesy of my sister and it was so good. 

Btw, has anyone seen this milk or know where to purchase this or any of its brethren from Israel? I live in one of the food capitals of the world and I don't know where to get some darn milk. 

I've also followed my friends and have started to pub crawl around my neighborhood. I've never liked going to taverns or pubs because it always smells like beer, and I think beer tastes like swill, but once you get in there the food is actually great. Give me some cocktails, preferably a Tom Collins with a Shepard's pie, and I am Oh so good. 


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