Remember last post when I said that I felt a cold coming on? I was right!
I know that I've mentioned a great deal of hair loss and I've heard from a tiny little birdy that these vitamins saved her hair. She's been having the same problems and taking Biotin has really strengthened her hair and helped with regrowth. I don't have a problem with hair breakage but mine is more due to fall out. Remember when I wrote about my hair cut? Well I haven't cut my hair since and it as grown out nicely.
See! Minimal split ends and the bottom doesn't look too bad. The problem, of course, lies at the root. Get ready for gross looking scalp pictures.
I don't know if I'm unable to keep the hair or if its just falling out. As you can see, there is a lot of pasty scalp showing. If you look at the hair line, there is a lot of space there.
When I tie my hair back,there are spots in between the rows of hair and you can clearly see that I'm having problems with my scalp. Armed with prayers and hopes that Bition would cure me of my female patterned baldness, I went to the drugstore and picked up a bogof Biotin.
I've started to take this two days ago so I'll update how this works in a month. Can you see what it says? Superior potency. Gonna grow buckets of extra hair. Hope its only concentrated on the scalp. Don't want extra hair anywhere else.
It's also a small PINK pill! You know that women are buying this in buckets if the pill is pink. Rise my beautiful bald headed ladies. I love that it's small because I can't take pills. This is the reason I can't be addicted to prescription pills. I prefer liquid medication over pills and don't mind the taste of medication. I always end up getting pill tuck in my throat and it just bothers me.
Hope this will work because hair loss runs in my dad's side of my family. Luckily, most from my dad's side are male but my sister and I don't relish being the first females. Come on Biotin!