Thursday, April 22, 2010

Unrelated Blog Post

Look at that park. I drool because I've been trying to jog, and I can only do this in my neighborhood, which isn't really great for jogging. Tuesday is trash day so everyone leaves their garbage out in the street and jogging in that, especially in warmer weather is not pleasant. Sure I could go to a park, but getting there is not worth the hassle since it is fifteen minutes away by car. I'm so jealous of that lady in the pink shirt, but I think right now, I'm more of the lady in the hot pink pants. An annoying habit that Ive noticed was that if I saw someone coming, then I would stop jogging and just walk. If I saw that someone was going to share the same sidewalk, I just cross the street. It's odd but I try to avoid everyone on my route. The worst part is, that the route that I take has me run by a preschool nursery type of thing, and I pass by there everyday and I saw a mom hustling their kid away from me. Geez lady, I'm not a perv and I will not steal your kids in broad daylight. Despite my Disney princess shirt, (its old and its comfy) I am not some sort of sicko, I just like working out in old, loose clothing and that is all I have available at that time. Odd post, huh?


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