Yes, I buy things that I have seen you tube without necessarily researching it first. I can’t stop my shopaholic impulses. So after watching one of Ricebunny’s videos where she uses an EOS Lip Balm, I waltzed myself into Rite Aid, and saw it dangling from one of those hooks right in front of the door, and Bam! It was a sign from God telling me to buy this. It looks so different, cute with its neon green color, but little did I know that it was a little Easter egg shaped chapstick filled with lies.
Around my lips and lips themselves are naturally dry, the rest of my face is extremely oily, and I usually use the Palmer’s Coca Butter stick, and that is extremely hydrating. This did nothing for my lips and the product really didn’t stay on for a long time. It had a strange plastic smell on it, and it was around $3. Noooo! What have I learned from this lesson? Don’t do impulse buys but while that stop me next time? Probably not. Btw, here is what the Milani lip glosses look on top of the EOS Lip Balm without anything on. On may pale skin tone, it stands out and makes all of my acne scars around my chin stand out as well and it leaves pink glitter behind after you wipe it off.