Now before you cluck your tongues and judge, I have read a couple of books and blogs into skirt making but I ignored every advice due to my laziness. In my mind, making a dress was easy and all of this extra equipment was unnecessary. Boy, was I wrong. I'll take you on a journey into the method to my madness and tell you where I went wrong.
1. I didn't measure myself and just went to trace my best fitting skirt onto a piece of fabric that I bought. I don't know much and most of the books were recommending me cotton but I though that this was cheap (3.00 per yard) and thick enough so that it wouldn't be too sheer. Perfect sheath material. My sister said that it felt like curtain or table cloth material but whatever.
2. Most recommend cutting the back and front separate but I totally ignored it and just folded that sucker up and traced it until I realized that I needed to cut it and cutting it separately might make it uneven. So i folded it up again (four stacks) and started to just ignore all of the starting doubts.
3. Here is my finished outlining and just realized that this fabric picks up all of the crap on the floor. I also heard that you need seam allowances so I just picked up some lined paper, instead of a ruler, and just approximated 2 in. all around.
4. Now I realized that I needed cut out the fabric and just used my regular shears. Big mistake. I obviously am a crappy shearer and left jagged ends. Next time, if I do decide to continue, I'll be sure to pick up some fabric shears. I also needed to pin the back and front sides together but didn't have any pins. I know that they're somewhere around my room but couldn't find it. I remembered that I had some fabric glue from my last year's failed pant hemming project so bam, there went the glue.
5. Remember that this is part 1 so I am still waiting for the glue to dry before I start sewing. Seeing that I don't have a machine and my hap-hazardous ways has tainted my first attempt, I don't hold out much hope. Next time, I will be sure to follow the directions and not be so damned lazy and unprepared.
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