Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ramblings and Laziness (No Review)

I've realized that I have quite a few of these posts and although you may find them unnecessary, I find them therapeutic. Better than a therapist. 

Disclaimer Time: No makeup reviews here! Just stuff, boring stuff. 

I think I've written before that I'm always trying to get healthy and lose some damn weight in the process. I'm not/can't be one of those people who doesn't eat. I've had people who were able to lose about 30lbs and maintain it, through the Master cleanse. Tried it and while I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks, I was always thinking about food, unable to exercise and most of all had obtained a Bitchy personality and when I mean bitch I mean mood swinging, raging while crying but not really caring in three seconds bitch. Gave that diet up and started to gain back all of the weight.

Nowadays I tend to exercise at home and do mostly HIIT. My diet is fairly good because I've lowered my portions, decreased beef and *sob* bacon while increasing vegetables and good proteins. Limited coffee to espresso Sundays and have been drinking tea instead.  However, there is one thing that I can't stop eating and it is the main reason why I still have a pooch. Sweets and junk. I don't eat much junk food in terms of chips except for this:

Trader Joe's Hickory Smoked Chips. They must be from diet hell because I don't like barbecue chips and don't really like chips in general, but can't stay away from it. It was one of those I'll try one, nah don't like it, oh wait maybe I'll have another one, aww shit I'm screwed and in love. Gah, just looking at it make me want. Don't get these! One they sink their crispy salty and oh so good claws on you, you are screwed.

While I have a bag of chips once ever month or ahem, other week, I can't resist a baked good. For a really bad baker, I totally love pastries cakes and cookies. 

 A will made of iron is what you need if you are going to stay away. I always try to go to Cannelle Patisserie for a special occasion and especially until May, I have birthdays coming out of the woodwork. While it is pricey, I just love all of the cakes, except red velvet where Martha's reign supreme. The family is divided into Paris Baguette and Cannelle, but I still think that Cannelle reigns supreme.

For instance, I really don't like Carrot Cake. Most places have it too sweet, greasy or barely there carrots. But this place had a carrot cakes that hit all the right spots and them some. 

I've also mentioned that I'm using  a new lotion and while that might not be the cause of this, I'm having a kick ass skin year so far (crossing fingers). If you look at the previous pictures, especially the tea tree oil ones, my skin looked like an irritated mess. With the reintroduction of the Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil toner and blemish stick, the skin's looking good.

 Mostly redness and scarring left and still breaking out but for the most part, no cystic acne. Huzzah! I've also bought some new ahem undergarments that are the businezz for busty ladies. I'm pretty bulky and big and have been told that I have the perfect tank swimmer's build forgoing the fact that water scares me. Finally bought a minimizer bra for ~$17 and I love it.

 Damn straight. It feels weird not having them stick out, but these are such a life saver when it comes to wearing clothes. No longer do I have to look slutty in a regular t shirt. The only problem is a lack of padding. DO NOT go into cold paces without a cover.

As for makeup, nothing's been pulling me in, but I have been trying to get my eyes to look like Miss A's Suzy. Not a big fan of kpop in general, but I saw one picture of her and was like I need to do my makeup like that. Looks really natural but so pretty with even her smokey eyes looking so clean. My eyes are sorta shaped like that, so only need a steady hand and lots of practice.


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