I do quite a bit of ranting and nonsensical writing on this blog and guess what. It's not going to stop. Muwahahahaha
I guess I'm really feeling the fall weather because I am constantly cold and my body aches so much. I've revently woken up on the wrong side of bed, and I couldn't move my neck to the right. I had to completely turn my body if I wanted to answer someone. After a night's rest I felt better but still not 100%. My parents completely rely on this method called cupping. Sounds like a awkward, unwanted groping of the chest area, but ..can't explain it. Google it. So I'm the master cupper in the house, but when I get aches, who the hell do I turn to? Myself. Don't trust anyone in this household with my precious self. I realized that I am not even remotely flexible and almost gave myself neck cramps trying to do this.
Felt a bit bad about nothing cosmetics, so once again, I present to you a piss poor review. Burberry's The Beat is my fall scent and there are no ways to describe the scent. It's listed as a floral, but I don't smell a trace of floral in there. A quintessential floral is something like Marc Jacob's Daisy, but this isn't. It's a lighter musky without the heavy incense like smell, and I can't describe it to something I've already smelled before. If someone can match this scent to something, then please let me know.
Not everyone is a fan because while I bathe in this, my sister, who happens to be a floral freak, hates this stuff. Tells me it reminds her of the department shopping mall floor where all the perfumes get sprayed one too many times, and nauseates her. Lies! I recommend you sniff before trying.
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