It comes in a glass container along with a little scooper and the directions tell you to use a scoop of this in the morning along with your moisturizer.
First off, this product can be messy. Since it comes in a white powder form, people with unsteady or clumsy hands should exercise caution with this product. I had a hell of a time trying to get a shot of this scooped up because the powder doesn't give a rats ass about trying to keep things neat. If I tried using this in around others, I would get a lot of stank side eyes asking me about my white powdered substance. The glass container bothers the crap out of me because it makes the nails on chalkboard every time I try to get the amount of product I want. Damn chills even thinking about it. I might be a bit picker than usual about this, but for me, these things really stood out.
I take a scoopful as shown in the picture and ...
mix it in with my moisturizer. For some reason, they tell you to use this in the morning instead of night time, so I make sure to use a lot of sunblock.
The product just dissolves into my moisturizer and leaves no residue on the skin. I've used this fairly religiously, maybe every other day sometimes, for two to three weeks and I see no big difference. My skin may be a bit brighter but it's nothing noticeable and noteworthy. I still have visible acne scarring and I've seen better brightening results with lemon juice. I'll probably use this up, but would I repurchase? No. I'll keep trying and if there is a big change, I'll let you know.
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