Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays (Quick Non- Makeup Post)

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday or if you don't practice a religion or just don't care, a good week. The year is almost over and I honestly haven't achieved any of my resolutions. However, I just don't care. The latter half of this year has been just terrible and I really am looking forward to some good things next year to overshadow all the crap from this year. I have this personal way of celebrating and I give myself a gift every year. When I was tight on cash, it would just be a candy bar or something that I really wanted, not needed. This is just to commemorate how I managed to get through another year without landing in jail or not having gone ape shit; although that really shouldn't be an accomplishment. Either way it helps me feel better and makes me appreciate myself as an individual and wish you could do the same. Even if no one else loves you, love and respect yourself. 

This year, I treated my self to some face and eye masks as well as a cute hand lotion. Excuse the poor quality since I took this with my itouch.

Look at this cute kitty pot. I absolutely love cats and couldn't resist. I'm one step away from naming this jar but resisted since going crazy seems to be settling in early. Could you believe this all cost $22? What a damn rip off. Last year these masks were a dollar and now they're $2-3. I wrap everything up and place open it up on Christmas and I now just can't wait. Alright, enough of this nonsense and see you in the new year!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Baking Soda Exfoliant

I've been nothing but busy and haven't had time for anything else lately. I've also stopped buying makeup and don't think that I'll reach the VIB status this year from Sephora. Going to miss the email and deals but I just have too much to justify spending $300 and over for makeup. Just wanted to show you the Dior set that I've gotten for my sister. BTW, SOLD OUT! Called it!

I got this and just snapped a picture before wrapping it. My sister doesn't know and I've been encouraging her to use all of her eye cream and lotion by mentioning non existent dry spots and crow's feet on her face. I think it's backfired on me because we got a $20 off a $50 purchase and she got a face lotion. Damn you Sephora and your perfect timing.

Dammit. I'll ask her how she likes and review it for you.While I was wrapping her gift, I noticed my extravagant purchase for myself. It's $3.

It's a face scrubber. It reminds me of a toilet scrubber. Ironically, I lost my previous one when it decided to take a dive into the toilet. Fishing it out was... vomit. I usually exfoliate my face before I apply my Tea Tree Oil mask and since my mouth and chin area decided to go dry, I've been having a lot of trouble with my skin. While I was waiting for it to arrive, I started to use this.

I have this in my bathroom because I use this as a tooth polisher. Apply a sprinkle on my toothbrush and I'm convinced it helps my teeth stay a yellow tinge rather than a full on canary yellow. I do drink a lot of black tea, black coffee, and other varieties of teeth staining food, so I try here and there. It's a well known idea that I've heard in the bowels of the internet, that people use this as an exfoliant. I gave it a go and it was pretty good.

About yay amount. I have a layer of soap on my face or make a paste like this...

 and just start rubbing. It can be a bit too abrasive and I've rubbed my face raw a couple of times before. It also left a weird film of something on the face and I've had to wash my face with soap again. However, this really does the job and I haven't had any allergic reactions yet. It's also pretty cheap and handy to just have around. So one thumb an an extra bit if thumb shy of perfect. That's why my face scrubber is still in its packaging.

I got an email that my blog had problems loading. I haven't had any problems but I also am a computer noob so I don't know what's wrong. But thanks for reading, I appreciate that. I had the emails going to my spam folder but I've hopefully fixed that. Like I've mentioned, computer noob.

I plan to get  a Uniqlo jacket for my parents because my mother has been subtly putting out hints for it. That lady is something else. I also want a Belgian waffle maker for myself but no one thinks that it's a good idea. Those fools! A warm, crisp  and yet fluffy waffle with vanilla ice cream on top and a side of bacon, just for the salty goodness, is perfect. Fools!