*Update below
My animal claws have been breaking at the corners lately and I am pissed. I had to glue them to keep them from breaking any further and my nails look like a mess. I'm currently in the process of growing them out and would like them to have a particular shape. The only thing that has kept my nails from falling apart when I did a horrible stint with UV nails is this.
Quimica Alemana Esmalte Endurecedor de Unas is what I got from my mom and this is the best nail hardener ever. I got this written in a different language, but all I know is that this helped return my animal claws to its former glory from being soft, babyish, and vulnerable. Now know that I can go back to cutting and torturing people with my nails.
Most of it is written in a different language and I managed to get the ingredients in English but the shot of it is horrible. Had a bit** of a time focusing this.
Is it wrong that one of the ingredients is formaldehyde? Anyway this is my second bottle of this stuff and it's the only nail hardener that truly works on me. I don't use anything else, and it looks like a shiny top coat so I don't put on any other nail polishes. The only weird thing is the side effects. Now this is where it gets strange. My mother told me that if I start to get nightmares, it's because of this. I don't know what in the world would cause it to give me nightmares as a side effect, but luckily, this didn't happen to me. However, it has happened to several people that have tried it. Creepy.
*I heard that some people were using this daily. No. *slap* Use a light coat and apply once every week or every other week. Once your nails become hard, stop usage until you feel your nails getting weak again. This is not an everyday application. I should have been more precise with my review and I apologize. *
My diet for my vacation has been failing miserably. This is what I eat as a snack. Hershey pie and Midnight Moon goat cheese. Addictive.