Still not really doing much with this blog but just wanted to show a failing moment. I found a click pen powder foundation and this was a disaster. When I clicked the end, powder ended up shooting out of the brush and went all over the chair, floor, my neon green and adorably pink headphone and my white pants. RAWR NOT COOL.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Honestly I was going to do a review of the TKB Trading Palettes but for some reason my draft and all of my pictures were deleted from blogger. To make a quick review, it's made out of sturdy cardboard, the inside magnet is strong enough to delicately hold mac shadows but nothing else. It's a bit bigger than a mac quad but the magnet just isn't sturdy enough for a repurchase value of around $5. TADA!
I guess I've been uninspired to write much and need to take a quick break like I've done in the past. I'm going to Maine for a vacation during the memorial day weekend. I do not want to go but apparently its a family thing. Rawr! Lobster day and night till my ginourmous appetite is sated. Surprisingly lobster isn't cheaper there. It tastes better, but isn't cheaper.
Maybe when I come back I'll have better things to write about so don't go expecting anything from this blog for a little while.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Loreal Eyeshadow Quad in Desert Sunrise
The weather has been on its best behavior lately but along with it comes ALLERGY SEASON dun dun dun. For the last few days, it feels as if the area around my nose has been on fire. I've actually sneezed so hard and so much that I've woken up with stomach pains from contracting my muscles when I sneeze. At least I'm still young and have control over my bladder. I shudder to think what will happen when I hit senior citizen status. I've been scratching and rubbing my eyes as well, so I look like a strung out addict with bloodshot eyes, wobbling around the street rubbing my nose and eyes while holding my stomach, trying to shove nasal sprays up my nose. I'm thinking about investing in a Neti Pot.
The review for day will be on Loreal's Eyeshadow Quad in Desert Sunrise. It's around $7 at all drugstores but I managed to get this on for $2 with the Rite Aid reward points. Sweet deal because I am not a big fan of this and would be pissed if I paid the full price. I don't have much good experiences with drugstore eye shadows, especially with the Maybelline Smokes collection. So I'm not surprised with this quad as well.
All of the colors are extremly wearable, shimmery (#4 being the only exception), soft and easily blended. But I just could not get this to show up vibrantly on the lid. I got this to show up by rubbing the shadows on my finger then pressing it firmly onto my hand. With a brush, none of these showed up quite as nicely with or without a primer.
It also came with pretty good instructions on the back, so if you're starting out in makeup, then this would be a good template.
One strange thins I've noticed is that other reviews show this quad in a brown packaging while mine is in black. So maybe the formula changed with the packaging because everyone was raving about the pigmentation.
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